Recent findings from PageLever revealed the reach of your Facebook Page may be far less than you think. The data shows an average of 7.49% of fans view posts on a daily basis. Pages with the largest fan-base are performing the worst while pages with fewer likes are performing the best. Currently, pages with over one million likes have only 2.79% of fans seeing posts daily, while smaller sized pages (1,000 – 10,000 likes) have 9.38% of fans viewing daily.
This data compiled represents over 400 million fans and is similar to previous findings.
In order to see how your page is performing head to your Page Insights panel, click the ‘Users’ button, and look for the “Daily Active Users Breakdown” chart:
I personally have not seen percentages this low, but work with pages that keep interactions high and have targeted user bases. Having a Facebook Page that is engaging and geared towards interactions should help make sure your Posts are viewed by more than 7.49% of fans.