Website Design & Development Help
Why spend your budget with just a Web Developer when you could have your website designed with an SEO company, so it ranks on Google?
At Guru Marketing we cannot stress to you enough the importance of having a website that has a high quality score. Websites are not what they were 5-10 years ago where you throw together a site that has pretty photos, some content, and hope that it generates top placement on the search engines, and in return calls to your business phone. Guru Marketing is more than just a Web Developer. We offer websites that meet Google’s algorithm requirements, and keep your website ranked at the top of the Google search results above your competitors.
Google especially wants to see activity on a website, and so we utilize WordPress as it is an active blog. It allows for almost twenty points alone on the quality score rating (out of 100 points), and gives you options for all the social media, RSS feed, and blogging activity Google is looking for.
The first step in finding out if you have a WordPress website is just sending us the URL. We will run a full report on your current domain and provide that to you. We will go over the details with you not just so you understand how important it is that you dominate your local competition online, but so you feel educated that you have made a brilliant decision with your online advertising.
If you would like further information about our website design and development service please fill out the form on this page, and someone from the Guru team will be in touch. Thank you for your interest!