Most businesses know the importance of having a website. This allows them to increase sales and awareness by utilizing the power of the internet. It’s also important that your website is responsive to mobile viewing. This helps you capitalize on those who are using their cellphones to search the internet.

However, having a mobile app is not yet ranking highly on the list. Most marketing companies rely on blogs, search engine optimization and video marketing for the bulk of their strategy, but mobile apps are quickly rising in both popularity and necessity.

This is due to the fact that 82% of adults are active cell phone users, and 42% are using mobile apps to access content.

If your business is relying solely on its website to generate leads, you’re missing out on a large percentage of the existing market. A mobile app allows you to reach more customers across more devices in order to increase revenue and boost sales.

We specialize in mobile app creation. If you would like to know more about mobile apps and how they can help your business, contact our offices in Joplin, MO to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

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