More and more business are migrating to the worldwide web in order to advance their business and promote their product. However, this is no longer good enough in today’s economy.

People spend more times on tablets and smartphones than on any other device and if you’re not careful, you’ll miss out on one of the greatest revenue opportunities that is available to your company. You need to have a mobile site that is geared for these customers.

Many businesses simply choose a responsive website that is programmed to shrink to fit the screen of the user and hope that will be enough. However, in today’s competitive market, the inadequacy of responsive sites can be the difference between you and your rivals. If the website is not easy to navigate on a phone or tablet, it can leave the user disoriented and frustrated and could potentially cost you a lead or a sale.

Having a specially designed mobile site will allow you to effectively engage with more customers and will boost your overall SEO. It’s even a factor in your Quality Score to Google.

We work with our clients to provide a wide range of options to help them best target their customers. If you don’t have a mobile site for your websites, contact us today at our offices in San Jose, CA, Los Gatos, CA and Joplin, MO.

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