When you are about ready to spend your heard earned dollars on a new website you need to know a few must have items before moving forward.
There are two types of websites. Ones that are branded for your business, are aesthetically pretty, and function properly. Then, there are ones that are branded for your business, are aesthetically pretty, and function properly, and dominate their local competition online by ranking above the other websites on page one of Google. We are fairly certain you would choose option two for yourself.
Here at KM Guru, we have never understood why someone would build a website that does not rank well (Google). The website just sits in purgatory eagerly waiting for visitors, clicks, and traffic. It’s a sad story, and we never like to see this happen.
When you create a new website be proud of the way it appears to the human eye, trust that is should portray your business mission, philosophy, services, photo galleries, and also be mobile friendly. If your website is never found by anyone online what was the point of building it, we say.
Do the right thing, and get educated. Read reviews and testimonials for the Internet Marketing company you choose to hire to provide your website work. Make your project WordPress – always.