One of the things that you hear us talk about often is the term inbound marketing. It’s a newer word that is gaining a lot of traction as more and more people come to realize its true value.

Inbound marketing is like having a magic magnet for your marketing efforts. You use your current resources (website, SEO, mobile app, video marketing) to pull targeted customers to you rather than simply broadcasting the message, hoping someone hears it.

This is completely opposite to how other marketing channels (radio, television, etc) operate. In their case, they broadcast to the masses, hoping that out of the quantity of their communications they can somehow skim off the quality customers. With inbound marketing, we take the exact opposite approach, looking specifically for those who are looking specifically for us.

In essence, it’s the difference between playing, “Marco Polo” as opposed to “Hide-n-Go-Seek”. When you play hide-n-go-seek, you make yourself the hunter, always hoping to find the unsuspecting customer, In Marco Polo, you make yourself the hunted, willing to wait as you call the right people to your company each and every day. This serves to increase sales and lower costs since you don’t waste time or money hunting people who don’t want to be found.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in for your company, contact our offices in Joplin, MO and let us know how we can serve you. We are marketing and advertising agency serving clients worldwide and offer a wide variety of inbound marketing services including, mobile app design, website design, SEO and video marketing, just to name a few. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you.

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