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Context for your Content – Thoughts on Website Design

Context for your Content – Thoughts on Website Design

If you’ve read much about internet marketing, or studied copywriting at all, you’ve heard the phrase, “content is king”. This is true and often you see websites that are filled, overflowing even, with content on every page.

You’ll see blogs, newsletters, email lists, video content, images, text and every other way to push content imaginable all designed to make one more sale or grab one more client off the internet.

While content may be king, context is key.

Too much text is too much text, regardless of how good it is. The same can be said of any other medium that is used to present a message. In order for it to be clear and efficient, it must be effective in it’s’ context.

We audit the existing websites of our clients and continually monitor those we build to ensure that not only are we offering web design that features great content, but that its done in perfect context.

Your message matters and so we take time to make sure that you say it in the right place and in the right space to be most effective.

If you would like more information on website design, website development and how we can help you share your message in the right way, contact our office in Joplin, MO.

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