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3 Great Reasons to Add Video Marketing to Your Arsenal

If you’re not already using video marketing to strengthen your arsenal, you’re missing out. Video based sites like Youtube, Vimeo, Periscope allow you to reach more customers than ever before. Here are 3 great reasons to add video to your marketing arsenal.

1. SEO
Search engines are giving more and more value to video content. If you have a video with the same keywords as those used by your company or in articles that you have written, there’s a high likelihood that that video will dramatically boost your findability on the internet. They also boost customer engagement as it’s easier to watch a short video than read through paragraphs of text.

2. Fast Distribution

Video can be uploaded and distributed across many platforms at once. This means your customers can find you through a variety of websites such as Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and others. Most of these are already built to convert your video for mobile viewers which also helps to positively promote your company.

3. Social Media Integration

We’re a society that loves to share the things we find of interest on the internet. A video that catches your consumer’s interest can be shared by their friends and boost your brand even further as you’re exposed to new potential customers.

If you’re looking to add video marketing to your marketing arsenal or would like to know other ways to improve your marketing, contact us today. We have offices in Joplin, MO and in Los Gatos, CA. We’d love to hear from you.

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